Home » KY Innovation leader leaving for neighboring state

KY Innovation leader leaving for neighboring state

Monique Kuykendoll Quarterman

Monique Kuykendoll Quarterman is leaving her position as executive director of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (KY Innovation) at the Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development to become the president and chief executive officer of The Enterprise Center, a nonprofit economic development partner to Chattanooga, Tennessee/Hamilton County region.

Quarterman has been in her current position since April 2022 and previously served as the first executive director of Kentucky Commercialization Ventures. She was selected for the Chattanooga position from a pool of over 240 applicants.

“The more we spoke with her and people she’s worked with, it became clear that she’s had a tremendous impact not just through programs and policies, but through the personal connections she makes everywhere,” said Dan Ryan, vice chair of the board of directors and chair of the president and CEO search committee. “Her proven experience in innovation and improving access for everyone will be a critical asset to our communities as we continue to build an advanced and inclusive future.”

Quarterman has appeared in numerous media publications, podcasts, panels, and conferences. She is a two-time national awardee for inclusive innovation programming for her groundbreaking statewide work leading Kentucky Commercialization Ventures, in addition to founding the Kentucky Intellectual Property Alliance.

She earned a bachelor’s degree in political science with a focus on law and public policy from the University of Louisville and an MBA from the University of Louisville College of Business.

Quarterman will start her new job July 15.